Warning: Watch Out For Google Penguin
By now, you have probably heard of the new Google Penguin algorithm update coming our way. From the looks of the previous update, it might be a good idea to at least attempt to prepare for this update. When it comes to Google changing any of its algorithms, preparation is key.
Many webmasters and marketing professionals are aware of Google Penguin, its implications, and goals: eliminate or hide websites that use manipulative techniques to rank higher on search engine results page. Google’s algorithm knows a bad link when it sees one, and can easily identify them using Penguin.
With that said, many SEO professionals believe that social signals will have a more significant impact on websites starting with new update. Social authority is becoming more and more recognized and makes sense to have in some markets. So in essence, social sharing can have some significance and can be used in a way to qualify the quality of your links.
Ultimately, no one can accurately determine what is coming with the new update. It can be said, though, that there might be a stronger spam filter coming with this update. You should think about not just the quality of the link, but also the “trust” factor involved with the link. Another thing to look out for is sites that receive a lot of social sharing.