Tag Archive for: social media

Facebook Gives More Controls for Your Feed
Facebook is constantly updating and improving - move fast and…

Must-Have Marketing Tools for Startups, Entrepreneurs & Do-It-Yourself-ers
If you're doing it all on your own, you need some good tech behind…

How to Choose Relevant Social Media Networks for Your Business
Ah, February. It's cold in New York City, and budgets are shrinking.…

Crafting the Perfect Social Media Profiles
Lets be real for a moment, more than three quarters of people…

Netropolitan: Social Media for the 1%
Income inequality now has a social media platform, and it's called…

Why The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Is So Successful
The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is arguably the most successful…

How (Not) To Use Twitter
In 2014, it is essential for every business to be on Twitter.…

How Does Social Media Affect Dating + Relationships in 2014?
When it comes to dating and relationships, we live in a confusing…

Best Ways to Connect With Journalists
If you ever wonder what is the "best" way to connect with journalists,…

Facebook or Fakebook?
When it comes to managing personal social media accounts,…