4 Laziest Design Tactics on Web and Print Media
I’m all for simplicity and minimalism - just ask my clients…
How Videos on Landing Pages Helps Drive a Higher Conversion Rate
Videos on landing pages are notably absent from most websites…
Create Clean and Beautiful Websites Using Grid Based Web Design
Grid-based web design continues to define the future of websites, despite the recent advent of responsive and mobile web design. Defined, grid-based web design is a web design technique based on a website designed as a fixed-width grid, with varying-sized columns which, combined, equal the grid's total width in a row.
The most-common and used grid-based web design framework is the 960-Grid System, which describes itself as "an effort to streamline web development workflow by providing commonly used dimensions, based on a width of 960 pixels. There are two variants: 12 and 16 columns, which can be used separately or in tandem." Boucher + Co. endorses the 960-Grid System. We use it as a framework for our main website.
The Implications of Tablets in the Workforce
20 JULY 2011 - It was March 2010. Apple had just announced its iPad tablet. Many analysts were quick to label the announcement a big mistake by the Silicon Valley giant.
But more than a year later, it's apparent that they were dead wrong. Apple's iPad has been a huge success, as reflected by the company's recent earnings. And today, Apple's second-in-command Tim Cook said "86 percent of the Fortune 500 companies have begun using the device.
Non-Web Designers, Avoid Building Your Web Site
We're web developers. We make web sites. And we applaud your…
Students: Build Your Personal Brand
In the United States, millions of students compete for higher-education…
Server-Side Includes: A No-Brainer
We recently re-designed a large web site for an organization.…
Should You Place Advertisements on Your Web Site?
Advertising didn't always have such a bad reputation. At the…
When Building Your Web Site, Make the “Contact Us” Simple
All too often, webmasters create their web site without a simple…
When Building Your Web Site, Be Your Own Customer
Think back to the last time you updated your organization's web…